
My denture is making me my mouth sore!

man holding denture - fake teeth

Wearing dentures can take some time for patients to get used to, there may be some problems that patients may encounter, like difficulty chewing food, speaking, and pronouncing some words for several days. But there is a problem that makes patients uncomfortable, this is when sores are caused by the dentures this is irritating and painful, most of the first-time denture wearers experience this.

What causes the denture sores?

There can be several causes for denture sores, this is usually caused when pressure is applied on the gums by the denture making the gums swollen and sore after wearing it for some time.

  • Dentures that are not fitted properly can cause pain when chewing and applying pressure to the nerves in the jaw, this may also cause bone resorption.
  • Bacteria can also be a cause of the sore and infection, it has to be treated first before wearing the dentures or making adjustments.
  • Fitting, Dentures may not be aligned or have fitting problems, causing it to rub on the sides of your mouth or gums, causing mouth sores.

What should I do?

  • If there is an infection you can feel that your gums are swollen and puffy when you touch it, If so, you will be given an antibiotic prescription to be taken for a week.
  • If there is no infection, you should go back to your dentist and inform him where it hurts so the necessary adjustment can be made.

Adjustment period

It usually needs an adjustment period to anything newly acquired, it also happens when wearing new dentures, first-time wearers may experience mild pain for the first few weeks and may take time to get used to the dentures. You should have patience when wearing dentures, it will be difficult to eat and speak for a few days or weeks, there will also be soring in the gums and mouth.

Treatment and prevention of sores

1. Proper maintenance

Wearing dentures requires maintenance and care, you must clean your dentures frequently and remove them every night to rest your gums and soak them in water or denture solution.

2. Proper oral hygiene

It is important that you keep your mouth and gums clean, after cleaning your dentures, brush your gums gently to keep them clean and get rid of bacteria and avoid infection.

3. Re-lining

For serious cases when adjustments won’t work to get a better fit, your dentures should be relined, it may need soft relining which is often done in the dentist’s office and Hard relining is a similar process but the dentures are fixed for a long term result.

Every denture wearer has their responsibility to get a better fitting denture and avoid sores and infection, caring for your denture and seeing your dentist regularly so they can check for potential oral health conditions that may occur or if you need any adjustments when you wear your dentures.

DentistConsultationHub.com is an online platform using Artificial Intelligence technology to offer unbiased consultations, estimate fees, and refer patients to a qualified and pre-approved dentist network. The company is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, and serves the following regions.

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