
Can dental x-rays cause cancer?

doctor/dentist looking at dental x-ray

Dental diagnostic X-rays are important components of the dental profession, it is through an x-ray that a dentist is able to make a diagnosis and treatment plan. Because of advancements in technology such as digital x-rays, now, a patient has lesser exposure to radiation than traveling on a plane.

In the dental profession, there are several types of X-rays for specific uses

1. Bitewing x-ray

Is used to investigate one specific area this can help a dentist determine if there are alterations in your jawbones caused by periodontitis.

2. Periapical x-ray

This is used to take a whole tooth, this will show changes in the root and surrounding bone structure and crown.

3. Full mouth x-ray

It is a combination of periapical and bitewing x-ray with a sequence of individual images, usually taken from new patients, and is used for a root canal, tooth extractions, and gum disease.

4. Panoramic x-ray

This is an image taken of your entire mouth, commonly used for orthodontic treatment plans. This shows the position of each teeth.

5. Occlusal x-ray

This helps the dentist observe the development of the entire teeth of the lower and upper ark, usually used in pediatric dentistry to check on the children’s teeth that have not yet erupted.

Exposure to radiation from dental X-rays is relatively low, however, repeated exposure may cause potential health risks like cancer which have been disclosed in earlier studies. Specifically thyroid cancer and tumors, some studies have said that there are links between dental x-ray and thyroid cancer and other forms of brain cancers such as gliomas and meningiomas, these studies however were based on the number of X-rays the patient had. The thyroid gland is located in the neck which is an organ that is sensitive to radiation and is frequently exposed when a dental x-ray is taken and it has been always overlooked as a potential health hazard because of the small doses of radiation, but further tests are needed.

Today we are all exposed to lower radiation, because dental x-rays have taken a step in modern development to make use of minimal radiation, and have added protection for patients such as lead collars and aprons to cover the area and protect the organs from radiation.

Patients should also weigh the benefits and purpose of the dental x-ray against the small possibility of risk.

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