
What are my treatment options for my damaged or missing tooth?

Close Up Photo Of Young Woman With Missing Tooth

With advances in modern dental technology, there are various procedures to replace a missing tooth caused by an accident or decay and chipped and cracked tooth, damages caused by wear and tear.

Missing or damaged teeth can cause serious oral health problems that affect your overall health, that is why it is very important not to ignore this problem and have it fixed.

If missing and damaged teeth are left untreated the tooth may be weaker over time and affect your systemic health and may cause, Cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, and other life-threatening health conditions.

Here are tooth replacements and repairs modern technology has to offer:

Dental implants

It is a procedure that has been closest to getting a natural tooth that we can ever get, each implant case differ from each other, in some cases one-time visit can be done, and the others may involve multiple visits and may involve bone grafting depending on the bone density and structure of the patient’s jaw. Tooth implants are designed to be strong and durable should last a lifetime, materials are made of titanium and may strengthen the jawbone.

Dental Bridge

A dentist would recommend a bridge to fill a gap in between your teeth, the adjacent teeth would be used as abutments, wherein it protects the healthy adjacent teeth from long-term damage. If left untreated surrounding teeth will shift to the vacant space and may cause bite, gum and occlusion problems.


Crowns are used to strengthen a chipped or broken tooth after root canal treatment, materials are made from porcelain, gold, and other materials. This procedure involves tooth shaving to accommodate the crown into a perfect fit. Crowns are also used in implant procedures.


The most affordable replacement for missing teeth, dentures have been an option centuries ago and has still been the choice of most patients since it is easy to make and affordable, dentures come in 2 types, partial dentures, it replaces one or more missing teeth and full dentures replace all missing teeth on the upper and lower jaw. The material in making dentures has improved over the years to give it a natural look, comfort, and strength when used in chewing.

Tooth Fillings

Fillings are used for small decays and chipped tooth, in the past they use amalgam mercury fillings to cover the decays on the chewing surface of premolars and molars because this type of filling is strong and last for a long time but has been considered a health risk and bad for the environment, now tooth-colored filling or composite resin are used for incisors, canine and molars, it does not contain hazardous metals and is safe to use, this gives a natural-looking color.


Is a durable thin film of porcelain shell used to restore chipped and cracked teeth, it is also used to close small gaps and give stunning results they sometimes call “Hollywood smile”. A veneer is also called instant orthodontic treatment because it can correct slightly crooked teeth, and gives you pearly white teeth for heavily stained teeth.

Here are the problems that may arise if a missing or damaged tooth is left untreated

  • Resorption happens to the jawbone which is irreversible
  • Adjacent teeth shifts to a new position towards the vacant space where the tooth is missing
  • Risk of tooth decay and gum problems
  • Difficulty eating and speaking
  • Loss of self-esteem because of appearance

Don’t let the missing or damaged tooth be a deterrent for you to have a healthy life, at DentistConsultationHub.com, we have a long list of highly qualified and well-equipped dentists with the latest technology the dental profession has to offer to give your smile back and the best oral health. Affordable treatment options for your damaged teeth and missing teeth.

DentistConsultationHub.com is an online platform using Artificial Intelligence technology to offer unbiased consultations, estimate fees, and refer patients to a qualified and pre-approved dentist network. The company is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, and serves the following regions.

USA- Florida, Nevada, New Mexico & Arizona
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Australia: Sydney & Melbourne

The company services include New Consultation, Second Opinion, Dispute Resolution, Peer Support & Dentist-Matching Services. For more information, please email contact@DentistConsultationHub.com.

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