
Why veneering only my six front teeth can make my smile look fake?

Why veneering only my six front teeth can make my smile look fake?

One of the most common questions when getting a veneer is, how many veneers do I need for my smile? If I get 6 veneers will it look fake? Well, this will all depend on your facial features, your skin tone, and how wide your smile is, you can check it yourself by looking into a mirror and smile, see how many teeth are visible when you smile and then that is most likely the number of teeth you need, you may want to consider the number of veneers you need because when you smile, it usually shows 8 to 10 teeth so if you only do 6, the remaining visible teeth will have a different color and will stand out when you smile, this will make your 6 veneers look fake.

You might want to consider the following:

1. Color of the teeth or veneer

– The color may look opaque or natural, which means it looks naturally white, which comes down to the texture and the skills, some veneers look better than others because the shade of your teeth matches your skin tone and ceramic work.

2. Size and shape must compliment your face

– The sizes and shape of the teeth vary from person to person, a tall person does not match the teeth size of a shorter person.

3. The experience of the dentist creating the smile

– This may also be a factor because having a highly experienced dentist knows which one looks good on you just by looking at your face and your smile.

4. The Alignment

– This plays a big role in making your veneers natural looking.

5. Dentist experience and skill

– High-quality materials used for veneers combined with the skill and experience of the dentists are important to get the best results.

Generally, porcelain veneers look and feel real and can simulate how real teeth reflect light, they resist stains that is why it is more expensive than other materials. Also if you have only 6 veneers and your smile, the remaining teeth behind are visible wherein the color stands out, then your veneers may look fake, so let your dentist get you the best natural-looking smile by fitting 8 or more veneers to get great looking teeth. See an experienced dentist for a proper evaluation to get rid of your fears, fear of the unknown, fear of the outcome, and fear of the pain, with veneers you can have an idea of what the outcome would look like.

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