
What to do if my child knocks off a tooth?

child knocks off a tooth

Rough play, running around, or playing contact sports, can always cause a tooth to be knocked off, as parents we can help our children by knowing what we should do in case this happens. A detached baby tooth is not a problem since a permanent one can grow back, however, if a permanent tooth is involved it can be a serious case, and must-see a dentist immediately.

Comfort your child if a tooth has been knocked off, try to control the bleeding by applying a cold compress and a gauze over the area, and tell your child to bite it firmly. Check your child’s mouth if the tooth or tooth fragments have been stuck in the mouth, this is a choking hazard. Once you find the tooth do not touch the root, place it in a container with saltwater or milk so it will not dry, remember not to wrap it in plastic, tissue, or cloth, and bring your child to the dentist. An oral examination will be done by your dentist and may involve an X-ray to determine the severity of the injury.

What happens when a tooth falls off?

Part of growing up involves losing baby teeth, but if you lose it in an early stage by injury it may cause dental problems, on the other hand when baby teeth are lost at a later stage may also cause major problems when the permanent teeth erupt, it may lead to teeth crowding, crooked teeth and may also cause TMJ, chewing and eating problems. In some cases, a knocked-out permanent tooth can be reattached if it can be held in place for several weeks, a splint will be used to hold it in place. In a few weeks, the tooth gradually fuses with the bone. A follow-up check-up will be required to see if the tooth has been reattached.

It is a heart-stopping moment when you witness your child having knocked out his tooth, taking him straight to the dentist can save the tooth and prevent dental problems in the future. If the tooth cannot be saved or re-attached, other solutions can be done like a space maintainer or a denture or a fixed bridge and an implant when your child grows a little older.

How do we prevent tooth injuries for our children?

· Tell your child not to walk or run around with an object in his mouth.

· Tell your child to avoid biting and chewing on hard objects.

· When your child plays sports, provide a high-quality custom-made mouthguard.

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