
Understanding & Fighting Bad Breath ( Halitosis ) !

Understanding & Fighting Bad Breath ( Halitosis ) !

Bad breath is embarrassing, no matter what you do, you brush, floss, rinse, and gargle or rinse your teeth, there is still a different bad smell. Most people occasionally get bad breath because of food fragments stuck in between their teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach. There can be other factors; it can be the food you like garlic onions and other spices which makes and give out a bad smell. However, if the bad breath becomes chronic, it may indicate other health problems.

Here are illnesses linked to bad breath

1. Sinus infections

This is one of the leading causes of bad breath, sinus infections, nasal polyps, rhinitis, swollen nasal passages, and a simple cold caused by bacterial accumulation in your throat or sinus gives out bad breath, sometimes called sinus breath.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an acid reflux condition, wherein acid from the stomach rises to the esophagus, the acid causes a bad odor-causing bad breath. GERD however, can be treated with medications in minor cases; severe cases may require surgery.

3. Ketoacidosis

When insulin levels get dangerously low, our body uses stored fats, which are broken down to ketones, a chemical with a very distinctive odor-causing stinky breath.

4. Intestinal obstructions

When you have intestinal obstruction food that you eat remains inside your digestive tract causing the remaining food to be fermented causing bad breath.

5. Tonsilitis

Inflamed tonsils caused by viral and bacterial infection, cause bad breath, it is one of the signs of tonsillitis, including dryness of the throat.

6. Bad breath caused when you feel hungry

Fasting, skipping meals makes saliva production decrease which causes your mouth to dry and cannot flush out the bacteria, thus causing bad breath.

7. Hunger Breath

When we fast or skip meals, this diminishes the saliva leading to a dry mouth. If there is not enough saliva present, the bacterias are not washed away leading to bad breath. To prevent this condition, it is best to avoid going hungry or thirsty.

keep from experiencing hunger breath, eat, and drink regularly.

8. Oral hygiene that causes dental diseases

Bad breath could be an indication of poor oral hygiene, without proper oral hygiene like flossing, brushing leaves bacteria embedded in between your teeth, in the long run, leads to gum disease.

What should I do to avoid bad breath?

1.Brush your teeth and floss regularly, use toothpaste with the antibacterial formulation. Brush your tongue to get rid of food stains that can harbor bacteria.

2. Clean your dentures or bridge regularly, this will prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the spaces in between the gums and the prosthesis.

3. Avoid Smoking

4. keep your mouth moist drink water regularly to avoid dry mouth, if you have chronic dry mouth, consult your dentists,

5. Adjust your diet, avoid food containing high sugar content, also avoid garlic, onions, and other spices that cause bad breath.

6. Visit your dentist regularly, get your teeth cleaned, and have your dentures and teeth examined.

Do you need dental treatment for Bad breath? Please send us an inquiry or visit us at DentistConsultationHub.com; we offer online consultation with licensed dental professionals for your dental needs.

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