
Soft drinks and their effect on your teeth

soft drink open pouring into glass

Soft drinks can lead to several health problems, dental carries or teeth erosion are some of the bad effects of soft drinks wherein the sugar content when fermented by mouth bacteria forms acid, this is the same with sugar-free or diet soft drinks and regular soft drinks still have the same acidic content. 11 ounces of soft drink contains 40 grams of sugar equivalent to 10 tablespoons which you do not

How does soft drink damage your teeth?


Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar, after drinking soft drinks, your teeth and gums are soaked in sugar, bacteria start to metabolize and produce acids and increase the risk of tooth decay and enamel erosion.


Most of the soft drinks we have to contain phosphoric and citric acids that can cause severe damage to the teeth, it softens enamels which results in cavities and decay, which leads to exposure of dentin which makes the teeth more sensitive causing a toothache. People with receding gum lines will result in more damage.

What should I do to avoid teeth erosion?

  • The best thing to do is remove drinks from your diet or drink in moderation, it is better to drink water.
  • Use a straw to reduce the contact of acids and sugar to your teeth.
  • After drinking soft drinks, drink water to dilute the sugar and acid
  • Brush your teeth after drinking soft drinks, use fluoride toothpaste.
  • Don’t drink soft drinks before bedtime.
  • Never drink soda before you go to sleep, the damaging effects are increased.
  • Visit your dentist regularly and have a cleaning to remove plaque from your teeth

Aside from having good looking teeth when you avoid soft drinks, you can also avoid other health issues and others may be serious health issues.

  • When you avoid drinking soft drinks it makes you well hydrated when you drink water, since soft drinks contain caffeine which is also a diuretic know as a water pill, which can cause dehydration which can cause kidney problems.
  • You lower your sugar and calorie intake, excessive intake of calorie s and sugar can increase your weight and make you prone to high blood pressure and makes it more difficult for you to lose weight.
  • Lower your risk of having diabetes, soft drinks have high contents of sugar which leads to diabetes, which causes stress to the pancreas leading to resistance to insulin.
  • Lower risk of heart disease, when you stop drinking soft drinks, you lower your sugar intake thus avoiding weight gain, this lowers your risk of having metabolic syndromes like hypertension, obesity, high triglycerides which may lead to heart disease and stroke.

Soft drinks are a popular choice to drink for children and adults, we sometimes cannot avoid them because we always have them at parties and everywhere we go, we can see them mixed in ice cream and mixed with other drinks. If you want your children to have better health, it is better to avoid or lessen the intake of soft drinks or any carbonated drinks that contain no sugar or zero sugar as advertised. It is better to drink water or fresh fruit juices in a moderate amount.

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