
Can brushing be actually bad for me?

Can brushing be actually bad for me?

Proper Oral hygiene is very important; this keeps your teeth clean and healthy. But how often should you brush your teeth? Does brushing too much do more harm than good? Dental professionals say too much pressure when brushing can damage your gums, and also some toothpaste can damage your teeth when you use a large amount. Brushing your teeth more than three times and too long can damage your tooth enamels and may damage your gums.

Here are some signs you are brushing too hard and should be aware of

· Receding gums

You may notice your gum lines around your teeth shrinks and expose more of the tooth root, thus create spaces in between your teeth, causing bacteria to accumulate and damage the teeth and gums.

·Teeth sensitivity

You will notice that your teeth become more sensitive; this is due to the exposure of the root of the teeth because of receding gums.

· A darker shade of the teeth

Your teeth become darker because there is less enamel to protect the teeth; when gums recede, your teeth color will have a darker shade.

So how should we brush our teeth and not damage our teeth and gums while brushing?

Here are a few tips

· Brush your teeth gently; brush gently in circular, up and down motion. Do not scrub heavily to protect the enamel of the tooth.

· Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, brush your teeth and tongue, and the roof of your mouth to remove embedded bacteria.

· Change your toothbrush every 3 months or as soon as the bristles are worn out for and use soft bristles toothbrush. This will remove the food particles and plaques but still is gentle and soft to your gums and teeth. Changing your toothbrush regularly makes you clean your teeth without applying too much pressure.

. Use fluoride toothpaste helps prevent decay and gum diseases, using too much toothpaste may damage your teeth so it is recommended to use a small amount.

· Brush twice a day, to remove accumulated bacteria and food particles trapped in between teeth. Brushing and flossing before bed is encouraged and is a good oral health practice.

· Do not rush when brushing your teeth, you will miss some parts, injure your gums, and will tend to brush your teeth heavily.

· Do not rinse right after brushing, this washes away the fluoride and lessens its intended purpose.

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