
The 4 most common types of dental surgery, the average cost per country, and the best oral hygiene products to buy after surgery.

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Dental surgery is a standard procedure at any dentist’s office, but many patients dread hearing the word surgery. In this article, I will examine the 4 most common types of dental surgery, the cost and what patients can do to prepare for them?

4 most common types of dental surgery
4 most common types of dental surgery are extractions, implants, gum surgery and biopsies

What is dental surgery?

Dental surgery is often correcting an oral condition due to an infection trauma or a congenital deformity. Dental surgery can be a minor procedure such as a biopsy or a small incision to expose an erupting tooth; Or it can also be an extensive procedure involving teeth, gums, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, and the bone. I will discuss different surgeries, the advantages, disadvantages of each procedure, and how to prepare for before or after surgery.

Dental Surgery Types:

1. Dental Extraction or Exodontia

The most common type of dental surgery refers as exodontia or tooth extraction. When teeth become infected, traumatized, or causing damage, or becomes responsible for the crowding of the other teeth, a dentist may remove them. A dental extraction may be classified as simple or complex.

A simple dental extraction

A simple extraction regularly involves a minimal amount of work by a dentist as often these teeth have limited bone support which makes it easier for the tooth to come out. An example of a simple extraction is a baby tooth which usually can be removed by patients when the roots are resorbed by the eruption of the underlying permanent tooth. If the roots are no resorbed, it may be tough to remove the tooth. Another example of a simple extraction is when a tooth suffers from advanced periodontal bone loss and gum disease. In this scenario, the tooth is often attached only to the gum tissue and can easily be removed.

Patients are often lightly anesthetized with a local anesthetic in a simple extraction, so no pain is felt during surgery. Patients are normally placed on a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol to manage post-operative pain.

Average Cost of Simple Dental Extraction by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per ToothCities
USA$100 – $200 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$120-$180 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$150-$250Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$40-$60Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$30-$50Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

A complex dental extraction

Dental extractions could become quite complex due to several factors. For example, a tooth that fractures make it difficult for a dentist to have a solid grip on the tooth, and its removal often involves sectioning the tooth and removing it in smaller pieces. Sometimes teeth are also extremely brittle because of a prior root canal treatment, and they often shatter into smaller pieces making their removal more complex. These types of dental extractions are often referred to as surgical extractions. Sometimes, to remove the entire tooth, the dentist must also create a flap in the gum tissue, exposing and removing sections of the jawbone to remove the tooth and its root tip. Because this type of dental surgery is more complex, patients’ nerves are often blocked with a local anesthetic. Surgical extractions are often concluded by placing some medication and/or bone graft dental material without any active infection. Patients have generally been prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen; Acetaminophen combined with some form of an opiate for postoperative pain management. The use of opiate painkillers must be limited in quantities and time given to a patient as they are highly addictive and could become a source of substance abuse.

The complexity of tooth extractions is further classified according to the tooth’s position compared to the superficial layers of bone and tissue. These classifications are as follows:

  • Soft Tissue Impaction – In this situation the tooth is covered by the soft tissue (gums). To remove the tooth, the dentist must make an incision exposing the tooth.
  • Partial Bone Impaction – In this situation, the tooth is partially covered by the jawbone making it impossible for the tooth to erupt into the normal position. When a tooth is classified as a partial bone impaction, the dentist must remove the bone overlay to expose the tooth. This is generally accomplished by use of a special dental drill.
  • Complete Bone Impaction – When the tooth is completely covered with both the bone and the tissue, it is classified as complete bone impaction.
  • Complex dental surgery extractions are often related to wisdom teeth or impacted canines (eye teeth). Removal of teeth in this category are often performed by highly skilled general dentists or oral surgeons. Depending of complexity of the case, patients may ask to be sedated through an IV administration or be placed under general anesthesia. Post-surgical pain management is often best treated with a combination of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as an Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen in combination of an opiate analgesic.

Average Cost of Soft Tissue Impaction Dental Extraction by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per ToothCities
USA$100 – $200 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$230-$300 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$250-$325Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$100-$200Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$90-$180Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

Average Cost of Partial Boney or Complete Boney Surgical Dental Extraction by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per ToothCities
USA$300- $450 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$300-$475 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$320-$550Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$130-$250Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$120-$240Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

2. Gum Surgery

Gum surgery also known as periodontal surgery is often related to gum disease. During dental surgery, the dentist often reflects the periodontal tissue to access the bone and the teeth. Often gum surgery is used to remove an infection from the teeth. However, gum surgery can also be performed as a corrective procedure to create better health, function and esthetics for patients. There are different types of gum surgery as outlined below.

Periodontal Flap Surgery

A Periodontal flap surgery is often used in patients who have acute or chronic periodontal infection. Through a flap, the dentist is able to access deeper surface areas of a tooth and use special hand instruments as well as ultrasonic instruments to clean the root surfaces of the teeth and create a highly polished surface so the tissues can reattach and eliminate any periodontal pockets.

Average Cost of Periodontal Flap Dental Surgery by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per QuadrantCities
USA$500- $750 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$500-$700 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$500-$850Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$200-$350Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$200-$300Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

Periodontal Osseous Surgery

Similar to periodontal flap surgery, the dentist reflects the gum tissue and reshapes the bone underlying the tissue through subtractions or addition. Subtraction often involves removal or reshaping parts of the bone to improve healing or patient access for better oral hygiene. However, the dentist may also use bone grafting materials in order to add to the surfaces of the existing bone (Addition). Regardless of the technique used, the goal is to create healthy tissue for the patient that can also be maintained well for improved oral hygiene.

Average Cost of Periodontal Flap Osseous Dental Surgery by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per QuadrantCities
USA$800- $1500 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$900-$1400 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$700-$1500Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$350-$500Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$300-$475Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

Gingival Tissue Graft

Gingival tissue graft is often used as a corrective dental procedure in situations where the gum tissue has been receded. These are often related to prior episodes of gum infection or trauma as a result of aggressive brushing or traumatic occlusal (biting forces). Sometimes gingival tissue grafts is needed before or after a dental implant is placed to improve overall esthetics.

During a gingival tissue graft dental surgery, the dentist prepares the recipient site for tissue to be grafted. The most ideal donor site is often the patient’s palate (roof of the mouth) where a tissue is excised and exported to the recipient site. Once the donated tissue is imported, the dentist skillfully attaches the tissue and secures it in place using special dental sutures. Patients often experience discomfort especially in the donor site and they often complain of a sore palate similar to a Pizza burn. The pain can often be managed using over the counter pain medication and use of an analgesic mouth wash.

Average Cost of Periodontal Gingival Graft Dental Surgery by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per QuadrantCities
USA$800- $1500 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$900-$1400 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$700-$1500Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$350-$500Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$300-$475Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

Pinhole Gum Surgery

Pinhole Gum Surgery is a minimally invasive treatment option that has become highly popular in the recent years as an alternative to gingival graft in situations where patients are experiencing gingival recessions. The procedure involves creating special pinhole tunnels and pulling the tissues toward the tooth surface through in internal incision of gingival sulcus. There is minimal amount of discomfort involved and the procedure is referred to as a “lunch time” gum lift to highlight its quick and easy treatment. Dr. John Chao of Los Angeles, California is the inventor of this procedure.

Average Cost of Pinhole Gum Dental Surgery by Country (US Dollar Currency)

CountryPrice Per QuadrantCities
USA$4000-$6000 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$3000-$6000 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$5000-$8000Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$2000-$3000Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$2000-$3000Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

3. Dental Implants. A Dental Surgery Procedure

Dental implants are another common dental surgical procedure. A dental implant is a titanium fixture that is placed inside the jawbone to replace the root of a natural tooth. The procedure involves assessing the jaw bones, width and height prior to surgery and drilling a hole for the dental implant fixture. The implant fixture is then left in the bone for a period of 3-6 months and after it has completely fused to bone, a tooth or a crown is attached to the fixture.

Despite common beliefs among patients, dental implant surgery is not painful and most patients take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol to manage any mild-moderate amount of pain.

Dental implant prices vary greatly depending on the prices charged by dental implant manufacturer for their fixtures. Dental implants with long-established history including those with heavy research and university linking are often categorized as premium brands and are more expensive. Newer companies and those manufactured in Korea, China and Israel, tend to have lower prices. It is common to see for a dentist to offer different types of dental implant brands depending on patient’s budget.

Average Cost of a Single Premium Dental Implant Brand Dental Surgery by Country (US Dollar Currency, Excludes price for abutments and crowns)

CountryPrice Per ImplantCities
USA$2500-$4000 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$3000-$5000 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$3000-$5000Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$1800-$2200Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$1500-$2100Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

Average Cost of a Single Non-Premium Dental Implant Brand Dental Surgery by Country (US Dollar Currency, Excludes price for abutments and crowns)

CountryPrice Per ImplantCities
USA$800-$2000 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$900-$2000 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$1200-3000Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$700-$1200Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$650-$1100Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

Bone Grafting is another type of dental surgery that is often used to improve the quality and the number of selected areas in the jawbone. Bone grafting is often used when a patient’s bone is limited in height and width. Bone grafting is often used in conjunction with periodontal bone surgery to preserve the health and stability of natural teeth suffering from chronic periodontal disease. In other circumstances, a bone graft is often used at the time of or prior to dental implant placement. Bone grafting can be simple or complex. Simple bone grafting involves the placement of bone particles around the desired site. Complex bone grafting may involve importing blocks of bone from other areas of the jaws, hips or even the skull. The cost of bone grafting is greatly dependent on the complexity of each case, the dentists’ level of expertise, and dexterity. If you are told that you require bone grafting, go ahead an get a bid from our network of dentists on the DentistConsulationHub.com Platform.

4. Tissue Biopsy

Oral tissue biopsies are the 4th common type of dental surgery. Oral pathologies such as cysts, tumors, moles, warts often show up in the mouth. Some of these areas a result of an underlying medical problem. Dentists work closely with an oral pathologist who studies the sample tissue and makes a conclusion of the biopsy.

CountryBiopsy Price Per siteCities
USA$150-$500 Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, or Miami
Canada$200-$600 Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary
Australia$300-$800Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane
Thailand$100-$250Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai
Mexico$80-$250Los Algodones, Las Cabo, Cancun, Mexico City

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Recommended dental products after surgery for home care

Recommended Products For Home care

Colgate Zero Mouthwash

Dental Syringe

Philips Sonicare HX6810

CloSYS Sensitive Mouthwash

TheraICE Rx Soft Wisdom Teeth Ice Pack

Gel Ice Packs for Injuries

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