
Dental Bone Graft. Why Cost Varies?

A dental bone graft is often necessary when patients have insufficient dental bone in their jaw. Bone loss is often related to chronic periodontal disease or it may be due to traumatic injuries such as a jaw fracture, teeth extraction, or surgical excision due to cancer.

A dental bone graft may also be necessary when patients have lost their teeth for a long time. The loss of bone begins immediately at a fast pace right after a tooth is removed and then it slows down over time. However, in patients where they have been wearing a removable prosthesis such as a full denture, partial denture, or a flipper, the bone loss is further accelerated due to the pressure applied directly over the bone.

When patients are ready to replace their teeth with dental implants, they are often told, a dental bone graft is necessary when there is not enough width and height of bone available to accommodate a dental implant. The process often takes time and the dental bone graft cost can vary depending on the complexity of the bone graft.

In this video, Dr. Allen Nazeri, a cosmetic and reconstructive implant dentist explains the difference between dental bone grafts and why dental bone graft cost varies.

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