
Oral Surgery/Dental Extractions & Wisdom Teeth

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is an option when the teeth cannot be restored and when the teeth cause more problems to the patient like toothache, bad breath due to the decay and accumulation of bacteria. Simple tooth extraction is done by a Dental surgeon, in some cases, the tooth is already brittle, and they sometimes break and make the extraction procedure a little bit complicated.

Why tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction may be necessary

To create space for a permanent tooth especially for children

For orthodontic treatment

To prevent overcrowding

When the tooth cannot be restored due to severe decay or infection

Due to an accident


How is the extraction procedure done?

1. Before the extraction procedure, your Dentist will assess the tooth to be extracted, this will include an oral examination and X-ray for a better view of the tooth and the surrounding area.

2. A numbing paste will be applied on the gums then Anesthesia will be injected and wait until the area is numb. In some cases, some patients would have a sedative to keep them relaxed and asleep throughout the procedure.

3. Once the area is numb, the Dentist will start the procedure by separating the gums until it loosens up and starts extracting the tooth.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth also known as third molars emerge with young adulthood, if there is no space in the rear part of the mouth the 3rd molar gets stuck and cannot fully emerge, so wisdom teeth are required for extraction. They are also extracted to avoid damage to the adjacent tooth when partially erupted. Wisdom teeth are sometimes hidden under the gums and may erupt on either side of the jaw which makes it more complicated, some have partially erupted and others will just stay under the gums which can be visible only through x-ray. Impacted teeth cause pain and discomfort and sometimes serious oral health problems like facial swelling, Oral infection, and gum swelling in the area.

Types of tooth impaction:

1. Vertical Impaction

In some case, vertical impaction usually won’t require wisdom tooth removal, because it may erupt and may fit into the mouth without causing

Vertical impaction rarely requires wisdom teeth removal since it is an almost normal orientation. The tooth is in an almost near-vertical orientation. There is a very high chance they will erupt and fit into the mouth without any complication.

2. Mesial Impaction

This is the most common wisdom tooth impaction, it erupts to an angle towards the adjacent tooth and only a part is exposed causing pain, swelling, and discomfort, this requires tooth impaction surgery, to give the patient better oral health.

3. Distal Impaction

The eruption of the impacted tooth erupts to the opposite angle towards the rear of the mouth, the extraction of this kind of impaction depends on each case and the problems caused by the tooth, sometimes your Dentists will wait for a year or two to determine whether it will be extracted or not.

4. Horizontal Impaction

This type of impaction can be viewed only through, where the tooth lies horizontally and is positioned directly to the root of the adjacent tooth. They say the most painful impaction will require a skilled Oral Surgeon with experience and expertise, the impacted tooth can cause damage to the surrounding bones and requires extraction

If you are considering an extraction as an alternative dental treatment option, get a consult with our artificial intelligence assisted dental team at DentistConsultationHub.com. We can provide you various treatment options that you may have not considered and help you save your tooth. If your tooth is not salvageable and needs to be removed, then we can also discuss various replacement options and also match you to a qualified dentist.

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