
Periodontal Gum Treatment

Periodontal Disease

This disease is an ordinary gum inflammatory disease surrounding the teeth caused by dental plaque and bacteria around the teeth, this is also one of the main causes of tooth loss, if left untreated, it develops into loosening of the teeth and jawbone deterioration. This is caused by poor oral health care, brushing and flossing, or have not done routine checkup and not regular cleaning by a Dentist, so in most cases, the infection and gum swelling, bleeding eventually take place.

Symptoms of Periodontal disease

1. Swollen and bleeding gums

2. Bad breath

3. Sensitive teeth

4. Loose teeth

5. Pain when chewing

6. Receding gums

7. Bleeding while brushing or flossing

Stages of Periodontal Disease

1. Gingivitis (early stage)

Calculus deposits build up on the teeth and around the gums, gum inflammation is visible and appears to be bright red. The gums will be swollen and easily bleeds when brushing or flossing. To prevent gingivitis practice proper oral hygiene meaning brush and floss regularly and have regular visits to your Dentist.

2. Periodontitis

This is an extreme case of Gingivitis, there is much more swelling visible on the gums, teeth start to loosen as periodontal pockets form, accumulation of bacteria and plaque begins in the pockets which cause infection and bone deterioration. Thus causing bad breath and gum bleeding.

3. Advanced periodontitis
This stage of gum infection has developed deep uneven pockets around the teeth wherein harmful bacteria accumulate which cannot be reached by normal cleaning, special treatment procedures may be needed to be done such as Periodontal Therapy Procedures to reduce the depth of the pockets and restore the health of gum tissues, Periodontal therapy may involve surgical and non-surgical procedure.


Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment Procedure includes the following:

1. Scaling and root planning

A non-surgical procedure or deep cleaning to remove calculus deposits and plaque using hand or air scalers and smoothening the exposed part of the root.

2. Gum Grafting

This covers the exposed root of the tooth, grafts are done on the area where there is sufficient gums to prevent this is recommended is to prevent gum recession.

3. Crown lengthening

The surrounding tissues are removed to expose the healthy part of the tooth, this is done to even out the gum line for aesthetic purposes.

4. Laser therapy

Laser treatment accesses the infected pocket and removes infected tissues and bacteria to expose the root, the root will be cleaned with air ultrasonic scalers and seal the gum tissues.

Simple tips to Prevent Periodontal Disease:

1. Brush your teeth regularly

2. Floss regularly

3. Visit your Dentist twice a year

4. Get a regular scaling or cleaning

5. Lifestyle changes

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