
Profile of NTUC Health Denticare

NTUC Health Denticare General Dentistry
50 years experience 3526 treatments done No country information
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BondingBone GraftingBracesCheck UpChildren DentistryClear AlignersConsultationCosmetic DentistryDeep CleaningDental AnesthesiologistDental CleaningDental CrownsDental FillingsDental HygienistDental ImplantDental Implant RestorationDental Implant SurgeryDenturesEndodonticsExtractionFacial InjectablesGeneral DentistryGum Treatment ( Periodontics )Implant OverdenturesLingual BracesOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryOral SurgeryOrthodonticsPeriodontistRoot CanalTeeth WhiteningVeneersWisdom Tooth Extraction

NTUC Health Denticare

   “Everything starts with a beautiful and healthy smile.”

At NTUC Health Denticare (previously Unity Denticare), we’ve been helping individuals and families maintain healthy teeth and beautiful smiles since 1971. As one of the leading dental care clinics in Singapore, we provide a comprehensive and affordable range of general and preventive, restorative and aesthetic dental services. With 18 dental clinics and two mobile dental clinics, we bring basic dental services closer to the community to promote oral health and wellness.

NTUC Health Denticare service 



At NTUC Health Denticare, our dentist will need a dental X-ray and thorough examination to recommend the best course of action for your wisdom teeth.

In most cases, a wisdom tooth is extracted during a routine procedure, which is done comfortably in one office visit. Your dentist will inject the site with local anaesthesia before extracting your tooth. Occasionally, the tooth may be impacted or particularly difficult to extract. Your dentist may then recommend a wisdom tooth surgery, which can be performed either under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

For a safer and quicker recovery, we recommend wisdom tooth removal to be performed during a patient’s teenage years to early 20s.


A standard wisdom tooth extraction is a safe procedure that usually takes between 15 to 45 minutes.  Your dentist will inject the site with local anaesthesia before extracting your tooth.

Occasionally, the tooth may be impacted or particularly difficult to extract. Your dentist may then recommend wisdom tooth surgery, which can be performed either under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia. During this surgery, a small incision is made to expose the tooth and bone. Several cuts may be used to remove bone tissue and make the tooth easier to remove, after which the dentist will clean the area and stitch it up.

In rare cases, numbness of some parts of the tongue, lip or chin may occur after the extraction because the nerves connected to this area of the mouth are close to the procedure site. This numbness is usually temporary.

You will be able to enjoy normal daily activities within a few hours after the procedure. However, we recommend avoiding chewing on that side of the mouth right after the surgery, to allow a comfortable recovery and healing process. When it is healed, you can continue to eat normally.

In some cases, you may experience some swelling and mild discomfort after wisdom tooth removal. This is usually manageable with prescribed medication from our dentist.


A healthy and beautiful smile can light up a room. Let us support you on your journey to achieving straight teeth with dental braces, suitable for all ages, including youths and adults.


Beyond being aesthetically pleasing, straightening your teeth helps with improving your oral health by making your teeth easier to clean and reducing the risk of plaque build-up.


At the first visit, our dentist may take X-rays, impressions, and photos of your teeth to diagnose any problems like an overbite, crowded or misaligned teeth, before providing a treatment plan.


The next 1-3 visits involve inserting the braces. Thereafter, our dentist will be seeing you every 4-8 weeks to adjust your braces, following the plan carefully crafted for you.



It might take a day or two to get used to talking and eating with your newly fixed braces.


The slight discomfort you experience is normal. Your teeth are in the process of straightening. Over time, this discomfort reduces as your teeth straighten out.


Meanwhile, avoid biting on hard pieces of food such as whole uncut apples to prevent your braces from dislodging.


If ulcers develop on the side of your cheeks or lips due to the friction from the braces, you can relieve it with dental wax provided by our dentist or bought over the counter at pharmacies.



Do you experience red, swollen or bleeding gums? Gum treatment procedures can provide relief from these symptoms, while also preventing further complications.


The first, and mildest form of gum disease is called gingivitis. It is a gum inflammation, most commonly occurring in adults. When bacteria attacks the soft tissues around your teeth, infected gums appear red, puffy or bleeding.

The good news is – gingivitis can be reversed by professional cleaning and good oral hygiene.

It is essential to treat gingivitis early to prevent further complications such as periodontitis, which can lead to bone and teeth loss. Gum treatment for periodontitis aims to reduce inflammation of gum tissue and further bone loss, through deep cleaning and root planing.

Visit us every 6 months to detect and treat gingivitis early.


To take care of your gums, we may consider some of the following treatment, depending on your individual needs:

  1. Scaling and root planing is a deep-cleaning, non-surgical procedure, done under local anaesthetic. Plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line are removed and rough spots on your teeth roots are made smooth. This procedure removes bacteria and provides a clean surface for your gums to reattach to the teeth. There may be slight discomfort and tooth sensitivity after the procedure, but it should not last more than 48 hours.

  2. Gum (Periodontal) surgery may be recommended if there is significant separation between your gums and teeth. During this procedure, your gums will be carefully folded aside to reveal the true extent of the infection. In some cases, the bone around the infected teeth will be shaped to speed up healing. In other cases, the bone and gum tissues can be re-created.

  3. Gum and bone grafting may also be used to repair damaged gums and jawbone, especially in cases where the gums around the teeth have receded. Bone grafting may also be needed to strengthen deficient bone, in preparation for dental implants placement.

The time taken for gum treatments varies from individuals and their condition. If your gum issues are mild and simply require cleaning, the procedure takes about 30 minutes. For more advanced procedures, it may take up to two hours. However, a few visits over several weeks may be required if you need gum surgery, scaling and root planing.


Want to go back to eating the food you love and bring that smile back to your face?

With today’s technology, dentures are more comfortable and natural-looking than ever. Find affordable and non-invasive solutions to multiple lost teeth, and bring support to your lips and face with dentures.


Dentures are artificial teeth set on a flesh-coloured base that can be put in the mouth and taken out when necessary. They can also be held in the mouth securely when combined with dental implants. In both cases, rest assured that dentures are easy to insert, remove and maintain on your own.


At NTUC Health Denticare, our dentist will first take measurements and dental impressions of your mouth to create a customised bite. This will be followed by a dentures’ fitting to ensure that the use of dentures is comfortable. Once the new dentures are created at the lab, they will be ready for collection. This process occurs after a few visits.

You might take a few days to get used to chewing and eating with your new dentures. Don’t worry, this process is perfectly normal.

Avoid sticky, hot and food with sharp edges until you are used to sensing temperature and textures with dentures in your mouth. Have some soft foods instead, such as chicken porridge or steamed buns. As you gain confidence with every bite using your dentures, you can begin to enjoy different foods again.


General Dentistry

Teeth Whitening 

Dental Bridges and Crowns

Dental Implants

Root Canal Treatment



  At NTUC Health Denticare, We are taking added precautions with the recent increase in community cases For the safety of our patients and staff, please postpone your visit if: – Have received a Health Risk Warning (HRW) SMS notification from the Ministry of Health in the last 14 days; or – You have been placed Stay-Home-Notice, Quarantine Order, phone surveillance or on medical leave in the last 14 days.


Sign Up and Get a Free Consultation and a Treatment Quote today, Via DentistConsultationHub.com 


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