
Sleep or Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry is used by Dentists to relieve you from fear and makes you feel relaxed, and makes you sleep throughout the Dental treatment, and upon waking up, the procedure is already done. Sedation is usually done in surgical cases such as wisdom teeth extraction, simple extraction, root canal, and sometimes dental fillings upon patients’ requests. A highly experienced dedicated anesthetist will be watching over you to keep the sedation level safe.

There are three sedation methods used by Hospitals and Clinics exclusively chosen by DentistConsultationHub:

1. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Odorless and colorless gas, which a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Once the treatment is done, pure oxygen will be given for a few minutes to flush out the remaining gas and helps the patient to wake up.Side effects may include, headaches, chills, sweating, nausea, and vomiting

2. Oral sedation

Patients are given pills to be taken orally which makes the patient relaxed and calm them down before a dental procedure, the pills usually take effect in 30 minutes.

Advantages are, it is easy to administer; there are no needles involved, you will still be responsive.

Disadvantages include, it takes longer to take effect, metabolism varies on each individual, driving is not allowed.

3. IV sedation

The sedative is delivered via a needle into the vein, this will relieve the patients’ anxiety and discomfort during a Dental procedure.The advantages of IV sedation are fast-acting, deeper level of sedation, and dosages adjusted accordingly.

The disadvantage is the use of needles as the delivery method If you are a person who is afraid of sitting on a Dental chair, with a low pain threshold, or you have a big and complicated Dental procedure to complete, maybe either of these sedation methods can be for you. However, like in all anesthetic procedures done, there are always possible side effects.

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