
Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea is a serious life-threatening condition wherein the person stops and starts breathing repeatedly while asleep accompanied by loud snoring, there are 2 types of sleep apnea Central sleep apnea and the most common is obstructive sleep apnea. Note that not because you snore you have sleep apnea and vice versa. If left untreated sleep apnea can cause, high blood pressure, mood changes, tiredness, difficulty concentration, and increases your chance of having a stroke.


Snoring is the noise generated when breathing during sleep. This happens when the airway through the nose and mouth is blocked, snoring can be symptoms of sleep apnea.

Here are the following manifestations of sleep apnea:

1. Stop and start breathing while asleep

2. Choking or gasping for air

3. Easily awaken

4. Loud snoring

5. Feel tired when you wake up

6. Concentration difficulties

7. Headache in the morning

Sleep apnea occurs at any age and gender but more common in men, other groups that are prone to developing sleep apnea are overweight, people with nasal or respiratory abnormalities, high blood pressure.

Diagnosis of Sleep apnea

Your condition will be evaluated according to your symptoms, Physical examinations will be done by measuring your neck circumference and check the throat, mouth, and nasal area for any abnormalities.

Tests: Polysomnogram

A sleep study, or polysomnogram, is a test that records detailed information about your body movements while you sleep. This test is most often performed overnight. A technician will attach sensors to your body for the study. The sensors will keep track of these body functions:

• Brain waves • Heart rate and rhythm

• Breathing rate • Blood oxygen level

• Eye movements • Snoring

• Leg movements • Jaw or chin movements

This procedure will involve sensors attached to specific parts of your which will send the data to a small storage device attached to the patient. High definition camera’s with microphones will be monitoring your body movements and the snoring sound. You will be monitored for the whole night, and if sleep apnea is observed the staff may wake you up to give you continuous airway pressure.

The sleep study can also help rule out other sleep disorders that can cause excessive daytime sleepiness but require different treatments, such as leg movements during sleep or excessive sleepiness during the day.


Treatment for sleep apnea:

Natural remedies:

Lose weight

Obesity has a very strong impact on having sleep apnea, it is not a cure, but it may decrease the number of obstructive breathing occurrences.

2. Sleep on your side

– Sleeping on your back blocks the airway when your tongue and jaw start to relax when you are asleep, they fall back into your throat blocking the air passages.

3. Avoid alcohol, sleeping, and anti-anxiety medications

They relax your throat muscles and block the air passages.


1. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

This is a positive pressure ventilator, this blows continuous air into your airways and possibly reduces snoring. However, this may be uncomfortable for some people, the machine can produce noise, it also involves wearing a breathing mask over the nose with straps attached and wrapped around the head, this may stop you from turning to other sleeping positions or there can also be a possibility of taking off while asleep.

2. Oral appliance

\This is similar to a mouth guard used in sports, this appliance reduces snoring and also protects your teeth from grinding when you sleep at night. It is portable, easy to wear, comfortable, and easy to clean.

3. Surgery

There are various types of surgical procedures for sleep apnea if other options do not work for the patient. The surgery may involve more than one procedure, the Surgeon will determine what obstructs the upper your upper airway, and which procedures would be right for you based on the tests and assessments made.

FAQ Sleep Apnea

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

The cause is mainly the relaxation of the throat muscles when asleep, when the throat is relaxed it obstructs the airways causing the person to partially or totally stop breathing when asleep which causes oxygen deprivation to the brain.

Does snoring cause sleep apnea?

Snoring is a throaty sound that occurs when you breathe while asleep which makes it different from sleep apnea, people with sleep apnea experience periods wherein they stop breathing and last from a few seconds to more than a minute.


Can sleep apnea cause health problems?


If left untreated, sleep apnea can cause several health problems like High blood pressure, weight gain, headaches. Studies conducted have shown sleep apnea is associated with type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart attacks. Sleep apnea is also considered


How do you determine the seriousness of sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea ranges from mild, moderate to severe, this is determined by the number of times an hour you stop breathing. More than 5 apneas are considered abnormal and more than 30 times in an hour which is considered a severe case of apnea.

Can sleep apnea affect your memory?

Studies have shown that people affected with Obstructive sleep apnea, have been found to have memory problems making them at risk of depression.

Does sleep apnea affect brain function?

Studies have shown sleep apnea causes mental functions like memory, reasoning, and emotions; however, this can be reversible with proper treatment according to studies.


What sleeping position helps with sleep apnea?

Sleeping with your head elevated may help improve sleep apnea symptoms. Using an adjustable bed, a triangular pillow can help you get the correct position to keep your airway open.

How would I know if I have Sleep apnea?

It is always the one close to you who will tell you about it, some wives wake up their spouses when they hear them snoring loudly or when they hear them gasp for air while sleeping. An accurate way will be Sleep tests which can be done in most clinics and hospitals, this test will determine the breathing patterns, body movements, and the like.


What are the other options to treat Sleep apnea?

· Oral Appliances

This holds the tongue in place while asleep to prevent blocking of the airway.

· Weight loss

Can help eliminate or lessen sleep apnea, especially with overweight people

·Change in daily habits

Shying away from your daily habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption can improve symptoms.


· Surgery

As the last resort, surgery is not the right treatment for all, some may benefit and some may get a negative effect or may have no effect on the patient.

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