
TMJ Disorder

The Temporomandibular joint or temporal bone is a joint that joins the skull and the lower jaw, the joint is also attached to a lot of facial muscles used for smiling and chewing. When there is pain on the joint there may be different causes from consistent teeth grinding, previous injuries, teeth malocclusion, or arthritis. This condition may be accompanied by headaches, ear and neck pain, and the like.

Symptoms may include:

· Lockjaw in severe cases

· Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:

· Discomfort and pain when chewing

· Swelling on the jaw area

· Pain surrounding the ear

· Difficulty opening and closing your mouth


There are many reasons which are responsible for TMJ disorders like jaw injury, poor oral habits, wear and tear of the jaw due to aging, and many others. Before finding out the solution to TMJ syndrome one must know the causes behind it.

Treatments for TMJ


Pain relievers and muscle relaxants may help with the pain and some Doctors may recommend the following.

· Warm Compress

· Mouthguards

· Cold compress

· Acupuncture

· Physical therapy

· Behavioral changes


In case of severe pain steroid injections into the Temporomandibular joint may be highly recommended.

TMJ pain may also be managed with simple lifestyle changes. You may wish to:

· Eat a soft diet

· Avoid too much chewing

· Maintain a good posture

· Avoid lip and nail-biting

· do jaw exercises


Temporomandibular joint disorder if left untreated can worsen, this may even lead to teeth and joint damage and inflammation. TMJ can also cause sleep apnea which can lead to other health conditions such as heart diseases. So, you better treat TMJ disorders before irreversible complications occur.

You can always be sure with DentistConsultationHub , we have the best line up of Dental professionals in clinics and hospitals around the world. This means you do not have to worry about the treatments and facilities, just let us know when and where you want to have your treatment done and we will make sure you get the right treatments you want and the right professionals to do the job.

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