
Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery also known as Corrective Jaw surgery, are procedures done to correct dentofacial irregularities, manifested by congenital jaw misalignments or jaw deformities caused by accidents. The deformities do not only cause malocclusions or bad bite, but also problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and may result in chewing difficulties, speaking, swallowing, and breathing. This surgery is done to correct the functions of the jaws and the patient’s appearance may have dramatic aesthetic improvement.


An open bite corrective surgery

wherein the upper and lower front teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed, this can lead to a variety of oral health problems like tooth wear, broken tooth, and TMJ disorders. It also causes lisping in some cases. An open bite surgery will involve removing some parts of the upper jawbone and moving it to a new position. Once aligned, plates and screws are installed to secure the bones in place.


Protruding lower jaw corrective surgery

It can also be corrected by mandibular setback surgery, the portion of the lower jaw with teeth will be separated from the base of the jaw and moved back to get proper alignment.


Receding jaw corrective surgery

In a similar procedure, this procedure is also done with receding the lower jaw, but it goes the other way, where the lower jaw is repositioned forward.

Orthognathic surgeries are usually performed in combination with orthodontic treatments to position the teeth and may take several years to complete

Benefits of having Orthognathic Surgery


1. Improve chewing

2. Improve speech

3. Improve Breathing

4. Facial balance and enhanced facial appearance


Orthognathic surgery is performed by a maxillofacial surgeon where DentistConsultationHub has several highly skilled and experienced surgeons and staff in world-class Hospitals around the world. The surgery is done under general anesthesia in a fully equipped state of the art operating theater, the procedure may take several hours to complete depending on each case. Incisions are done inside the mouth to avoid scars, but some cases may require external incisions to achieve favorable results.


After the surgery:

1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks to fully heal from the surgery. Your Maxillofacial surgeon will require you to have a no chew diet, to avoid stress on the surgical area of the jaw while chewing, a healthy liquid diet is recommended for you while recovering from your surgery.


2. There will be swelling and bruising for the first 48 hours, you will be given medications to help with the swelling and the pain.


3. There may be nasal congestion caused by nasal secretions, you will be given medications to relieve the congestion, this usually takes 3-7 days.


4. Good oral hygiene prevents infection in the area, saline rinse as often as you can, avoid mouthwash. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush slowly and carefully.


5. After the surgery you will have elastic bands attached to your lower and upper teeth, you will have difficulty speaking.


6. Avoid heavy activities, it is however recommended that you have movements like walking and not stay in bed the whole time.


7. You will be given pain medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medications, and will be continued until you will be discharged from the hospital.


8. Follow up appointments are made 7-10 days after the surgery.

Orthognathic surgery is a major surgical procedure and there may be possible complications like other major surgeries, so if you feel any of the following symptoms please inform your Maxillofacial surgeon or go back to the hospital.

1. High-grade fever


2.Worsening pain, swelling, or bruising

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